2021年1月-2024年10月宁夏大学土木与水利工程学院, 副教授,硕士生导师
2024年11月-至今宁夏大学土木与水利工程学院, 副教授,博士生导师
17.Zhang S Z*, Bian X H. Tunable defect states of flexural waves in magnetostrictive phononic crystal beams by magneto-mechanical-thermal coupling loadings. Thin-Walled Structures, 199: 111848,2024.(SCI收录,一区Top)
16.Zhang S Z*, Bian X H. Magneto-mechanical-thermal coupling tunability of the topological interface state of longitudinal waves in magnetostrictive phononic crystal beams. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 212: 111286,2024.(SCI收录,一区Top)
15. Bian X H,Zhang S Z*. Broadband controllable defect state of longitudinal waves in one-dimensional pillared phononic crystal beams. Modern Physics Letters B, 2450504,2024.(SCI收录)
14.Zhang S Z*, Shu S W, Wan Y K. Tunable asymmetric transmission of flexural waves in the dual-layer magnetoelastic metasurfaces by modulating magnetic field. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2450366,2023.(SCI收录)
13.Zhang S Z, Wan Y K, Bian X H, Dong X G*. Broadband and controllable topological interface state of longitudinal wave in pillared phononic crystal beams. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 650: 414555,2023.(SCI收录)
12.Zhang S Z*, Shu S W,Bian X H. Tunability for anomalous refraction of flexural wave in a magneto-elastic metasurface by magnetic field and pre-stress. Applied Physics Express, 15(2): 027003,2022.(SCI收录)
11.Zhang S Z, Hu Q Q, Zhao W J*. Surface effect on band structure of magneto-elastic phononic crystal nanoplates subjected to magnetic and stress loadings. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 43(2): 203-218,2022.(SCI收录,一区Top)
10. Hu Q Q, Yang W W,Zhang S Z*. Studies on band structure of magneto-elastic phononic crystal nanoplates using the nonlocal theory. Physics Letters A, 423: 127820,2022.(SCI收录)
9.Zhang S Z*, Gao Y W. Flexural wave band structure of magneto-elastic phononic crystal nanobeams based on the nonlocal theory. Physics Letters A, 390: 127090,2021. (SCI收录)
8.Zhang S Z, Gao Y W*. Tunability of hysteresis-dependent band gaps in a two-dimensional magneto-elastic phononic crystal using magnetic and stress loadings, Applied Physics Express 12, 027001,2019.(SCI收录)
7. Deng T,Zhang S Z, Gao Y W*. A magnetic-dependent vibration energy harvester based on the tunable point defect in 2D magneto-elastic phononic crystals, Crystals 9, 261,2019. (SCI收录)
6. Deng T,Zhang S Z, Gao Y W*. Tunability of band gaps and energy harvesting based on the point defect in magneto-elastic acoustic metamaterial plate, Applied Physics Express 13.1: 015503,2019. (SCI收录)
5.Zhang S Z, Gao Y W*. Gap evolution of Lamb wave propagation in magneto-elastic phononic plates with pillars and holes by modulating magnetic field and stress loadings, Journal of Applied Physics 124: 244102,2018.(SCI收录)
4.Zhang S Z, Yao H, Gao Y W*, A 2D mechanical-magneto-thermal model for direction-dependent magnetoelectric effect in laminates, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 428: 437- 447,2017. (SCI收录)
3.Zhang S Z, Gao Y W*. Surface effect on band structure of flexural wave propagating in magneto-elastic phononic crystal nanobeam, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50: 44 5303,2017.(SCI收录)
2.Zhang S Z, Shi Y, Gao Y W*. Tunability of band structures in a two- dimensional magnetostrictive phononic crystal plate with stress and magnetic loadings, Physics Letters A 381: 1055-1066,2017. (SCI收录)
1.Zhang S Z, Shi Y, Gao Y W*. A mechanical-magneto-thermal model for the tunability of band gaps of epoxy/Terfenol-D phononic crystals, Journal of Applied Physics 118: 034101,2015.(SCI收录)
1.国家自然科学基金委员会,地区项目,磁致伸缩声子晶体弹性波拓扑传输特性的磁-热-力耦合调控研究, 2024-01-01至2027-12-31,主持;
2.国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,透射型磁致伸缩声学超表面弹性波异常传播特性调控研究, 2021-01-01至2023-12-31,主持;
张舜祖,束世玮,赵文娟,边晓辉,万愉快,基于磁场控制的弯曲波立柱型磁弹超表面及其操作方法,CN 114824816 B.